Precious Oilers is a community filled with lots of love, healing energy and compassion. This is beyond a group of aromatherapy lovers, but a team passionate in leading a fulfilling and wholesome lifestyle!
Our community spans globally across Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Hong Kong, China, US, UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, Netherlands, UAE and Qatar.
We are committed to educating our members with essential oils knowledge by providing the necessary resources and empowering them to discover their highest potential in terms of health, self and wealth.

Matilda Pang
Certified Clinical Aromatherapy Practitioner (NAHA, USA)
My journey with Young Living started in 2013 when I was looking for a solution to my chronic endocrine-related troubles. After searching for 5 years, I was fortunate enough to meet my mentor in the holistic health industry and was introduced to essential oils. Coupled with some lifestyle adjustments, my recovery was amazingly fast and I started to take a keen interest in the world of aromatherapy.
I never thought much about the business opportunity that Young Living offers initially as I just wanted to use the essential oils to support my own health and wellness. As I was also still holding on to a corporate job, I remained an essential oil user for about a year before introducing the oils to my friends. During this one year, I attended as many classes on essential oils and healing modalities as much as I possibly could. When friends started to ask me what I've been up to, I started sharing about my journey and introduced my mentor to them when they needed health consultations. Still, I just thought I was merely referring friends to my health coach by doing both sides a favour. However, months went by, and I started seeing pay checks for the referrals I made. The team started growing organically, and so did my income.
At the same time, I saw how vulnerable my corporate job could possibly be with re-structuring and retrenchments a norm in the industry. Plus, I had an entrepreneurial streak in me... I've always liked dabbling in businesses. Coming from the corporate banking industry, I had the privilege of meeting businessmen from various industries and its part of my job to access their company's financials. I believed that many traditional business models aren't working as well as previously and the global economy is changing. I started looking at the Young Living business opportunity through a different lens. I started to study and understand the viability of the business model.
Having benefited from this platform, I am totally convinced that the business is a sustainable one when it is being operated in a responsible way by leaders who are willing to serve and educate their community for the long run. I left my job as a corporate banker in 2015 and have since been living my life daily doing what I love most, without having to wake up to an alarm clock, nor have to take leave for holidays. I work with people I enjoy working with, and best part of all, I don't feel like I'm working as it's simply sharing what I love and believe in. It's been a pleasure and honour to work with and empower a team from various walks of life.